The Revolution Will Not Have Been Downloaded is a zine consisting of the first three instalments of a serialised novella-in-progress by Francis Whorral-Campbell.
Reprinted with a new addition, the zine presents the story so far, introducing us to the two protagonists – a trans influencer living in the year 2034, and a fictionalised version of Kurt Cobain in 1994 – as the pair travel in opposite directions across the USA, looking for the source of the paranormal phenomena disrupting their lives.
Francis Whorrall-Campbell (they/he) is a writer and artist from the UK. Working across text, sculpture, and digital formats, their work advances a trans poetics, probing the link between making an artwork and making a (gendered) self – or, how art and writing can be tools for transition. This practice is guided by research into materialist histories of becoming, including DIY transition, mutual aid, internet communities, and other conditions which promote or inhibit trans survival. His work could be described as spinning gold from straw: trying (sometimes successfully) to fulfil the creative promise of transformation.
sun, waiting for flawless/ an ghrian, ag feitheamh le foirfeis an exhibition of new and existing work by artists Rob O’Shea and Ronan Smyth, with a commissioned text by Francis Whorrall-Campbell and visual identity design by Cóilín O’Connell.